Upcoming Events
School Cleaners
February 16 – Whelan
February 23 – Whelan
Sunday, February 17
Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Church 10:00 a.m.
Monday, February 18
President’s Day
Tuesday, February 19
Student Fair assignment due
Friday, February 22
End of grading period 4
March 8-13
Spring Break
March 8-10
CLC Grade School Basketball Tournament
Eau Claire, WI
Memory Work
Hymn: Due Tues., Feb. 19
TLH #155: Sweet the Moments Rich in Blessing
Gr. K: v.1 (Due 2/20)
Gr. 1: v.1-2
Gr. 2: v. 3
Gr. 3-8: v. 3-5
Bible Passages: Due Wed., Feb. 20
Gr. K: (hymn)
Gr. 1: Luke 2:11
Gr. 2: Gal. 3:26; Ps. 124:8
Gr. 3: Prov. 1:10; 1 John 1:7
Gr. 4: Heb. 10:25; 1 Cor. 14:40
Gr. 5: Matt. 17:5; Mark 16:15
Catechism: Due Fri., Feb. 22
2nd Article (highlighted portion)
Friday Fun
It flies around all day but never goes anywhere? What is it?
Friday Notes
- There is no school on Monday for President’s Day.
- The next submission date for Box Tops for Education is March 1. If you have been collecting them at home, please bring them to school soon so that they may be counted. We are also getting close to the end of the Milk Caps for Moola program. If you have any of those, please bring them so we can see if we made the minimum collection.
- We are close to finalizing plans for our next field trip which will take place either March 6 or March 20. Stay tuned!
- Singing dates for the rest of the school year:
- Sunday, March 17
- Sunday, April 14 (Palm Sunday mini concert)
- Friday, April 19 (Good Friday)
- Sunday, April 21 (Easter)
- Sunday, May 19 (Confirmation)
- Sunday, May 26 (8th grade Graduation)
Last Week’s Friday Fun
This kind of coat can you put on only when it is wet. What is it? Answer: paint