Upcoming Events
School Cleaners
September 29 – Hein/Nelson
October 6 – Hein
Sunday, September 30
Bible Class/Sunday School, 9:00 a.m.
Church, 10:00 a.m.
Friday, October 5
End of grading period 1
Sunday, October 14
Mission Festival
Sing in church
October 15
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 16-20
CLC Teacher’s Conference
Memory Work
Hymn: Due Mon., Oct. 1
TLH #496: Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying
K-2: v. 2
Gr. 3-8: v 3-4
Bible Passages: Due Wed., Oct. 3
K: 1 John 3:15
Gr. 1: Ps. 24:1
Gr. 2: Ps. 14:1; Rom. 10:13
Gr. 3: Prov. 8:13; 2 Cor. 5:14
Gr. 4: John 3:16; Is. 43:11
Gr. 5: Matt. 28:19; Rom. 10:17
Catechism: Due Fri., Oct. 5
3rd Commandment
Friday Fun
What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
Friday Notes
- Picture order forms were sent home today. Please fill in your child’s name and the number of each size that you would like. If you do not wish to order, please send back the order form with a note saying so. Mrs. Hein will figure out the final cost with tax and get that amount to you for payment.
- We have had to remind students from the handbook that they are not to share/trade food at lunch unless it is with a sibling and a parent has asked them to share. We do this so that parents know what their children are or are not eating. For that same reason, we also ask the children to take home any food that they do not finish.
- Our first field trip has been finalized for Wednesday, October 10. We will be going to Stages Theater in Hopkins to see the 10:00 a.m. showing of Charlotte’s Web.
- The end of the first grading period is on October 5. In connection with this, we will be holding parent/teacher conferences on Monday, October 15. There will not be school that day. You can schedule your conference for any time between 8:00 and 3:00 that day. You should plan on 15 minutes/child. Let Mrs. Hein know in person, by text, or by email what time you would like.
- There will not be school October 16-19 as the teachers will be in South Carolina for the CLC Teacher’s Conference.
Last Week’s Friday Fun
If everyone bought a white car, what would we have? Answer: a white carnation