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CLC Grade School Tourney: March 10-12, 2017 (Friday – Sunday)

The schedule is now finalized for the grade school basketball tournament held at Immanuel in Eau Claire, WI.

This is available at: Grace has two players playing with Berea of Inver Grove Hts. Here is their schedule:

  • Fri., Mar. 10, 12:00 pm: IGH A (7th/8th Grade) vs. Eau Claire A1
  • Fri., Mar. 10, 1:00 pm: IGH B (5th/6th Grade) vs. Markesan B
  • Fri., Mar. 10, 9:00 pm: IGH A vs. Markesan A
  • Sat., Mar. 11, 3:30 pm: IGH B vs. Eau Claire B3
  • Sat., Mar. 11, 4:30 pm: IGH A vs. Eau Claire A3
  • Sun., Mar. 12, 3:00 pm: IGH B vs. Eau Claire B2