School CleanersMay 24 – Oman and WalesSunday, May 26Graduation Sunday 9:00 a.m.Sing in churchThursday, June 6Spring Lake Park
Tower Day’s ParadeMeet at 5:45 p.m.July 22-26VBS 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.Saturday, August 3School cleaning day (tentative)Monday, August 12Ice
Cream Social, 7 p.m.Monday, August 26First Day of School
Friday Fun
Strange Laws in the U.S.Wyoming: No
Photographing Rabbits from January to AprilIn Wyoming, it is illegal to take pictures of rabbits between the months
ofJanuary and April without an official permit. Though the reasoning behindthis law remains a mystery, perhaps the rabbits needed a break from thepaparazzi!
Graduation is this Sunday. The service begins at 9:00 a.m. The school children and Grace Alumni will be singing.
Good-bye, Mr. Schaller! Jesus bless your teaching at Messiah Lutheran
School in Hales Corners, WI!
Our school will be participating in the Spring Lake Park parade on Thursday, June 6. The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. We usually meet at Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School on Osborne Rd. at
5:45 and walk over to the designated area from there. We would like to have an idea of how many people might be joining us, so if you could, please let Mrs. Hein know if you will be able to