Upcoming Events
School Cleaners March 25 – Rinne April 1 – Rinne Sunday,
March 27 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 29
Student Fair Presentation due Wednesday, March 30 Lenten worship service, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 8 Student Fair, 7:00 p.m.
Memory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Mar. 28 The Lord is My Salvation Gr. K: v. 1 Gr. 1-2: v. 1-2 Gr. 3-8: All Bible Passages: Due Wed., Mar. 30 Gr.
K: Matt. 28:19 Gr. 1: John 14:19; John 3:16 Gr. 2: John 1:29; Is. 7:14 Gr. 3: Ps. 51:5; Matt.
22:37 Gr. 4: Matt. 26:14; Prov. 1:10 Gr. 5: Matt. 18:11; John 14:19 Catechism: Due
Thurs., Apr. 1 The 1st Petition
Friday Fun
Friday Notes
- Mid-terms were sent home today. Please initial the sheets and then send them back to school on Monday.
- A couple of reminders:
- o Please remember that when you drop your children off in the morning, you should wait until your children have had their temperatures taken and you have been given the green sign before
you leave.
- o If your child will be late or absent, you as the parent should contact Mrs. Hein or Mrs. Nelson before school starts.
- Mrs. Bergstrom’s after school schedule is changing. If you would like to speak with her in the afternoons, please email her (ebergstr@gmail.com) prior to stopping by so she can check her
- Singing dates until the end of the year:
- o Sunday, April 10: Palm Sunday service, 10:00 a.m.
- o Friday, April 15: Good Friday service, 7:00 p.m.
- o Sunday, April 17: Easter service, 9:00 a.m.
- o Sunday, May 15: Church service, 10:00 a.m.
- o Sunday, May 29: Graduation church service, 9:00 a.m.
Last Week’s Friday