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Grace Weekly February 21-25, 2021

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Upcoming Events

School Cleaners February 25 – Baker March 4 – Bomber Friday, February 25 End of grading period Sunday, February 27 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 1 Student fair due date 1 & 2 grade answers to questions Thursday, March 10 Student Fair due date Revised Research paragraph/paper March 7-10 Spirit week March 11-18 Spring Break NO SCHOOL

Memory Work

Hymnology: Due Mon., Feb. 28 Feed My Lambs: Gr. K: v. 1 Gr. 1-2: v. 1-2 Gr. 3-8: all Bible Passages: Due Wed., Mar. 2 Gr. K: Ps. 91:11 Gr. 1: Luke 2:11 Gr. 2: Ps. 106:1; Rom. 5:12 Gr. 3: John 8:44; James 4:11 Gr. 4: Rom. 12:20; 1 John 3:15 Gr. 5: Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:23 Catechism: Due Fri., Mar. 4 The Third Article

Friday Fun


Friday Notes

  • The children sounded wonderful when they sang in church last Sunday! Our next time to sing is the Palm Sunday concert on April 10.
  • Today is the end of our 4th grading period. Report cards will be sent home on Monday. Please keep the report card, sign the envelope and send it back to school on Tuesday.
  • Our spring break is March 11-18. We WILL have school on March 10 and will be back in school on Monday, March 21.
  • Something to get on your calendar, if it isn’t already, is the student fair which will be on Friday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. This is always a fun event and the students do look forward to presenting what they have learned, so plan on coming to show your support!

Last Week’s Friday

CHAWHOWHORGE Answer: Who’s in charge