Upcoming Events
School Cleaners February 11 – Oman February 18 – Baker Sunday, February 6 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 8 Student Fair Note Cards due Language 3 and grades 4-8 Monday, February 14 Valentine’s Day party Monday, February 21 Presidents’
Day NO SCHOOL Sunday, February 20 ***Sing in church***
Memory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Feb. 7 TLH #27: O Bless the Lord My Soul Gr. K: v. 4
Gr. 1-2: v. 4-5 Gr. 3-8: v. 5-6 Bible Passages: Due Wed., Feb. 9 Gr. K: Rom. 8:28 Gr. 1: Ps. 124:8 Gr. 2: Rom. 3:20 Gr. 3: Ps. 51:10; Prov.
1:10 Gr. 4: Luke 11:28; Heb. 10:25 Gr. 5: Rom. 5:10; Matt. 17:5 Catechism: Due Fri.,
Feb. 11 The First Article
Friday Fun
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Friday Notes
- Those students that are here for church on Sunday are asked to please bring any finished work to hand in when they come for church. This will be most helpful for correcting purposes.
- Our Valentine’s Day party is on Monday, February 14. Look for an email this weekend with all of the children’s names and grades so that you have the names and correct spellings of all of
our students. The party will begin at noon with lunch. School will be dismissed at the regular time of 3:15.
- Please take note of the updated student fair due dates that Mrs. Bergstrom emailed out.
Last Week’s Friday Fun
Go it it it it Answer: Go four (for) it