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Grace Weekly May 10-14, 2021

Upcoming Events

School Cleaners May 14 – Vandeveer May 21 – Wales May 28 – volunteer? Next Week’s Daily Cleaners: Monday – A. Baker Tuesday – K. Baker Wednesday – Craven Thursday – Doucette Friday – Jankowski Sunday, May 16 Sunday School/Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Thursday, May 27 Spring Play, 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 28 Last day of school NOON dismissal Sunday, May 30 Graduation Sunday

Memory Work

Hymn: Due Mon., May 17 TLH #338: Thine Forever, God of Love Gr. K-1: v. 5 Gr. 2-8: v. 4-5 Bible Passages: Due Wed., May 19 Gr. K: 1 John 1:7 Gr. 1: Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:16 Gr. 2: 1 Cor. 12:3; John 17:17 Gr. 3: Deut. 6:4; Matt. 18:11 Gr. 4: James 4:11; 1 Pet. 4:8 Gr. 5: 2 Tim. 3:15; 2 Pet. 3:9 Catechism: Due Fri., May 21 5th Petition

Friday Fun

Why didn’t the butterfly go to the dance?

Friday Notes

  • We will no longer be requiring masks at school. Children can certainly wear them if parents want them to.
  • Please try to get your enrollment applications turned in soon. It is very helpful for the teachers to know sooner rather than later as we do begin our planning for next year already.
  • The children that are members at Grace will be singing for Confirmation Sunday, May 23. We are singing “On Eagle’s Wings.”
  • Good News!! The link for the live stream of the spring play:
  • How many from your household will be attending the play? Which parents/siblings will be at school for the last day of school picnic? Please let Mrs. Hein know ASAP.
  • We will be having our last day “picnic” and awards as usual on May 28. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend. We also need one or two more parents who would be willing help to serve the food. We will plan on eating between 11:00 and 11:15 with the awards following.
  • We do not have anyone scheduled to clean after the last day of school. The most important part of the cleaning for the end of the year would be the bathrooms and mopping under the lunch tables. If anyone is willing to volunteer, please let Mrs. Hein know.
  • The Grace Lutheran Field Day held on Friday afternoon was a success! Thank you to Rick Nelson for organizing it and to the many volunteers who helped run it. The students had a great time and already want to do it again.

Last Week’s Friday Fun

How do you make an orange giggle? Answer: tickle its navel