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Grace Weekly November 30-December 4, 2020

Upcoming Events

School Cleaners December 4 – Nelson December 11 – Nelson Upcoming Daily Cleaners: Monday- Doucette Tuesday – Jankowski Wednesday – Nelson Thursday – Oman Friday – Rinne Sunday, December 6 Sunday School/Bible Class 9 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Christmas Eve rehearsal 11-12 a.m. (Grace members only) Wednesday, December 23 School Christmas party Thursday, December 24 – Sunday, January 3 Christmas break Monday, January 4
School resumes

Memory Work

Hymn: Due Mon., Dec. 7 TLH #62: O Come, O Come Emmanuel Gr. K-2: v. 2-3 Rejoice Ye Sons of Men Alway Gr. 3-8: all Bible Passages: Due Wed., Dec. 9 Gr. K: 1 Cor. 6:9 Gr. 1: Rom. 5:12 Gr. 2: Matt. 25:41 Gr. 3: Ephesians 2:8-9 Gr. 4: Family hymn, p. 9 Gr. 5: Jesus Thy Blood and Righteousness, v.1
Due Fri., Dec. 11 Rejoice Ye Sons of Men Alway Gr. K-2: v.1 From the Christmas Eve service: Gr. 3-5: “children” part, p. 3 (some do not have memory work this day)

Friday Fun

If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?

Friday Notes

  • Can you help with the Christmas party? We only have two parents who have volunteered to help out. If you are available on Dec. 23, please let Mrs. Hein know.
  • The following is a poem written by one of our fifth graders. The assignment was to write a poem that makes use of alliteration.

Race Between the Rabbit and the Rat
One day the rabbit wanted
To race the rounded rat.
“The winner wins one waffle,”
Replied the rat, who was ridiculously fat.
The race was ready right at noon,
Many animals attended.
“Beat up the rat,” the raccoon said.
The obese rat was offended.
They were off! The rabbit had the lead,
But the rat bit the little bunny’s tail.
The rat rudefully took the lead,
The rabbit rightfully began to wail.
The rabbit got right back up;
He ran and rushed to the finish of the race.
The rat had thought he won the race.
He didn’t. He was passed by the hare.

Last Week’s Friday Fun

What’s the greatest worldwide use of cowhide? Answer: cow