Upcoming Events
School Cleaners February 21 – Snyder February 28 – Rob Vandeveer Sunday, February 23 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 4 Student Fair Research paper due March 14-16 Annual CLC Grade School Basketball Tournament (Eau Claire) March 14-21 NO SCHOOL Spring Break Sunday, March 23 Sing in church with Immanuel Tour Choir 10:00 a.m. Monday, March 24 School resumes Friday, April 4 Student Fair 7:00 p.m.Memory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Feb. 24 WS #751: God’s Own Child I Gladly Say It Gr. 1-4: v. 2 Gr. 1-2: v. 3-4 Bible Passages: Due Wed., Feb. 26 Gr. 1: Rom. 3:23 Gr. 2: Rom. 3:23; Ps. 124:8 Gr. 3-4: Rom. 3:23; Prov. 1:10 Gr. 5: Rom. 7:18; Is. 53:6 Catechism: Due Fri., Feb. 28 Gr. 1-5: 6th Petition PreK/K: Hymn: God’s Own Child I Gladly Say It, v.1 Bible Passages: Luke 11 :28 Catechism: 2nd PetitionFriday Fun

Friday Notes
- Report cards were sent home today. Please take the report card out of the envelope, sign the envelope, and send it back to school on Monday.
- Next Wednesday, February 26, we will be going to the Science Museum of Minnesota. Please send a sack lunch with your children that day with only disposable items. A bus has been rented for our transportation. Please drop off and pick up your children at the regular times. A permission slip was sent home today. Please sign and return that by Monday.
- Mrs. Hein’s classroom will be participating in the Xcel Energy Think Energy Program. Kits were sent home today (one/family) along with a letter explaining the program. Just for registering, we received a $25 Amazon gift card. If 80% of the classroom (eight students) complete the follow-up worksheet, we will receive another $25 Amazon gift card. Please let Mrs. Hein know if you have any questions. https://thinkenergy.org/xcelenergy-co/video-presentation/
- Last week’s rebus puzzle answer: mixed reality
**Student Scoop**
It was an exciting week for the lower graders. The kindergarten and preK class went to a play called Don’t Let the Pigeons Drive the Bus. Mrs. Nelson’s class filled up their marble jar. They had a movie party and watched The Mario Movie. Today is the end of grading period four.◼ a 4th grader