Upcoming Events
School Cleaners January 31 – Rinne February 7 – Rinne Sunday, February 2 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 4 Student Fair due date: Note cards Sunday, February 9 Sing in church Monday, February 17 NO SCHOOL March 14-16 Annual CLC Grade School Basketball Tournament (Eau Claire) March 14-21 Spring Break Monday, March 24 School resumesMemory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Feb. 3 TLH 376: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me Gr. 1-4: v. 2 Gr. 5-8: v. 3-4 Bible Passages: Due Wed., Feb. 5 Gr. 1: Luke 2:11 Gr. 2: Luke 2 :11; Matt. 17:5 Gr. 3-4: Matt. 17:5; Rom. 12:20 Gr 4: Rom 12:20; Gen. 8:21 Gr. 5: Ps. 49:7; 1 John 1:7 Catechism: Due Fri., Feb. 7 Gr. 1-5: 3rd Petition PreK/K: Hymn: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me, v. 2 Bible Passages: Rom. 8:28 Catechism: The Third ArticleFriday Fun

Friday Notes
- Mid-terms were sent home today. Please initial them and return them to school on Monday.
- The Valentine’s Day party is in two weeks. About a week before, Mrs. Hein will email a list of student names so that parents know the spelling of everyone for the Valentine card exchange. The children’s Valentine boxes may be brought to school the 13th or 14th.
- Last week’s rebus puzzle answer: last but not least
**Student Scoop**
. This week was a pretty uneventful week. The 4th graders did a report on planets. For science the 1st graders made bird feeders out of a cup and peanut butter. After reading an ancient legend about the loyalty of two friends, the 5th and 6th graders wrote a legend of their own.◼ A fifth grader