Upcoming Events
School Cleaners January 24 – Oman January 1 – Rinne Sunday, January 26 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 28 Student Fair Due date: Open ended questions due (Grade 5 or Language A) Sunday, February 9 Sing in church Monday, February 17 NO SCHOOL March 14-16 Annual CLC Grade School Basketball Tournament (Eau Claire) March 14-21 Spring Break Monday, March 24 School resumesMemory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Jan. 27 TLH 376: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me Gr. 1-4: v. 1 Gr. 5-8: v. 1-2 Bible Passages: Due Wed., Jan. 29 Gr. 1: Rom. 5 :12 Gr. 2: Rom. 5:12; John 3:6 Gr. 3-4: John 3:6; Eph. 6:4 Gr. 5: Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:23 Catechism: Due Fri., Jan. 31 Gr. 1-5: 2nd Petition PreK/K: Hymn: TLH 376 v. 1 Bible Passages: Ps. 51:10 Catechism: The Second ArticleFriday Fun

Friday Notes
- We still only have two parents signed up for the Valentine’s Day party which is only three weeks away. Kasha Jankowski is leading the party planning, but she needs more people to help. She has asked that you please CALL or TEXT her if you can help. With more students in school, we need more adults to help. Kasha’s number is 763-221-2546. The students very much enjoy the parties, so please consider helping.
- Last week’s rebus puzzle answer: lemonade
**Student Scoop**
. We saw a loud firefighter truck that had its lights on. Gia and Dessa and the girls pretended to be fairies. Kindergarten and pre-K ate spaghetti and loved it. We wrote on our whiteboards. We were making a snowman on the back table.◼ PreK/Kindergarten