Upcoming Events
School Cleaners
September 27 – Gilmore
October 4 – Gilmore
Sunday, September 29
Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Church 10:00 a.m.
Monday, September 30
Parent Night 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 2
Field Trip
to Springbrook Nature Center
Friday, October 4
End of Grading Period 1
Parent/teacher conferences as
privately arranged
October 16-18
CLC Teachers’ Conference
Memory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Sept. 30
WS #770: I Hear the Savior Calling
Gr. 1-4: v.
WS #770: I Hear the Savior Calling
Gr. 5-8: v. 5
Bible Passages: Due Wed., Oct.
Gr. 1: 1 John 1:7
Gr. 2-4: 1 John 1:7; Matt. 6:24
Gr. 5: Matt. 28:19; Rom.
Catechism: Due Fri., Oct. 4
4th commandment
WS #770: I Hear the Savior Calling
v. 2
Bible passage: 1
Thes. 5 :17
Catechism: 3rd commandment
Friday Fun
Can you decipher the correct phrase?
Friday Notes
- ❖ Parent night is on Monday, September 30, at 7:00 p.m. This time gives parents and teachers the opportunity to ask and answer questions, or just talk about how things are going so far this
school year. The teachers will provide snacks. Please plan on joining us!
- ❖ Our fall field trip will be to Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley. We will be going next Wednesday, October 2, from
12:30-2:00. We will be dividing up into two groups and participating in educational programs. We will eat lunch a little early before we leave. School will be dismissed at the normal time.
Permission slips were sent home today. Please return them on Monday. A note from the nature center: “The forecast is looking pretty nice out next week with temps in the mid- 70s. Students
should be ready to be outside for the whole program. They should be ready with long pants/long sleeves to protect themselves from the elements/plants.”
- ❖ Parent/teacher conferences will be held the week of October 7-11. Please speak with your child’s teacher to make arrangements for your conference.
- ❖ Last week’s
rebus puzzle answer: forest
**Student Scoop**
It has been a good five weeks of school. This past Monday, we celebrated Max’s 6th
birthday. The 7th and 8th graders had a big history test on Monday, too. One day at recess,
we played “What time is it Mr. Fox” for the first time this year. Today (Friday) is Lilly’s
birthday. She is 14 and will soon be going to high school. This school year will be an
amazing year!
– a 7th grader