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2024-05-18 — Grace Weekly May 13-17, 2024

Upcoming Events

School Cleaners May 17 – Baker and Nelson May 24 – Oman and Wales Sunday, May 19 Confirmation Sunday Sing in church Thursday, May 23 Spring Play Friday, May 24 Last day of school Sunday, May 26 Graduation Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sing in church Thursday, June 6 Spring Lake Park Tower Day’s Parade Meet at 5:45 p.m. July 22-26 VBS 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Memory Work

Hymnology: Due Mon., May 20 TLH #648 Gr. 1-4: v. 1-3 TLH #234 Gr. 5-8: v. 4-6 Bible Passages: Due Wed., May 22 Gr. 1: Rom. 8 :31; Ps. 121:2 Gr. 2: Mark 16:16; Matt. 7:7 Gr. 3: John 18:36; 1 Cor. 12:3 Gr. 4: James 2:10; Ps. 51:10 Gr. 5: Eph. 4:32; 2 Tim. 2:19; Mark 16:16 Catechism: Due Fri., May 24 Gr. 1-4: 6th Petition Gr. 5: 5th Petition Kindergarten: Due Fri., May 24 Review passages and 1st Article

Friday Fun

Strange Laws in the U.S. Wisconsin: State law had made it illegal for restaurants to serve apple pie without cheese. In 1935, the state authority enacted a law that forced restaurants to serve apple pie with cheese. This law was later repealed in 1937.

Friday Notes

  • There are still a couple of families that have not turned in enrollment applications. Please do this by Monday, or let Mrs. Hein know if your child will not be returning in the fall.
  • Sunday is Confirmation Day. Cam Nelson and Reagan Oman (along with Lucas Boe from church) will be confirmed in their faith that morning. The examination will be at 9:00 with the service to follow at 10:00. We are singing in church and would very much like to have all the children present to sing.
  • The spring play will be at 7:00 p.m. next Thursday, May 23. The children should be at school by 6:45. Parents are asked to bring a treat for afterwards.
  • Friday, May 24, is the last day of school. We will be closing the school year with a “picnic” lunch at 11:15. We may go a little past noon, but please be here at that time so your children may leave as soon as we are done.
  • Our school will be participating in the Spring Lake Park parade on Thursday, June 6. The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. We usually meet at Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School on Osborne Rd. at 5:45 and walk over to the designated area from there. Please put this on your calendar and consider joining us!
  • I came across this summer reading program. Check it out if you are interested: