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2023-10-27 — Grace Weekly October 23-27, 2023

Upcoming Events

School Cleaners October 27 – Konway November 3 – Nelson Sunday, October 29 Joint Reformation Service, 4:00 p.m. Sing in church Sunday, November 19 Sing in church Wednesday, November 22 Noon dismissal for Thanksgiving Monday, November 27 School resumes Friday, December 15 Northtown Concert 2:00 p.m.

Memory Work

Hymnology: Due Mon., Oct. 30 TLH 658: Onward Christian Soldiers Gr. 1-4: v. 3 Gr. 5-8: v. 2-3 (review) Bible Passages: Due Wed., Nov. 1 Gr. 1: 1 John 8:14 Gr. 2: Eph. 6:1; Acts 5:29 Gr. 3: Matt. 7:15; Ps. 50:15 Gr. 4: Matt. 4 :10 ; Matt. 6 :24 Gr. 5: 1Pet. 5:7; Ps. 124:8 Catechism: Due Fri., Nov. 3 5th Commandment Kindergarten: Due Fri., Nov. 3 Hymn So Now We Lift Our Voices Psalm 124:8 2nd Commandment

Friday Fun

Strange Laws in the U.S. Mississippi: Beware of Ice Cream Trucks In the state of Mississippi, it is illegal for ice cream trucks to use their musical jingles to attract customers. While the intention might be to maintain neighborhood peace, it certainly takes away the charm of chasing after the familiar tunes of the ice cream truck.

Friday Notes

  • We are singing in church this Sunday for the MN Joint Reformation Service. The children are asked to be at church by 3:30 to practice with all of the other children from our area CLC churches. The service will begin at 4 p.m. with a meal to follow. If you are not going to be able to come, please text Mrs. Hein and let her know. We are hopeful that everyone will be there though. If you are coming and intend to stay for the meal, please sign up at this link so we know how many to expect:
  • Our concert at Northtown is now on the calendar for Friday, December 15 at 2:00 p.m.
  • If you have not yet responded to Mrs. Hein’s email about the Christmas Eve service, please do so as soon as possible.


Josiah – 1st grade In my spare time I like to: go to Pizza Hut My Favorite hobby: drawing This year I’m going to work hard: at drawing skills and homework. In the future, I’d like to: be a toy-maker. Three words that describe me: funny, energetic, sweet tooth