School CleanersSeptember 10 – Bomber/VandeveerSeptember 17 – Craven/NelsonSunday, September 12FALL SCHEDULE BEGINSBible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m.Church 10:00 a.m.Sing in church TLH #416Monday, September 20Parent Night
7:00 p.m.Friday, October 8Field Trip to Wargo Nature CenterHeritage Lab
Memory Work
Hymn: Due Mon., Sept. 13TLH #416: Oh That the Lord WouldGuide My WaysGr. K-1: v. 1Gr. 2-8: v. 3-4Bible Passages: Due Wed., Sept. 15Gr. K: 1 John 4:19Gr. 1: 1 John 4:19Gr. 2: Rom. 3:20; John 3:16Gr. 3: John
10:35; Rom. 1:16Gr. 4: 2 Tim. 3:16; John 10:35Gr. 5: Matt. 22:37, 39; Rom. 3:20Catechism: Due Fri., Sept. 17NT Books of the Bible
Friday Fun
Friday Notes
We are singing in church this Sunday. The service starts at 10:00 a.m. We ask that the children be at church by 9:40 so we can go through the hymn before church starts.
In last week’s Friday Note, the dates of September 17 or 24 were given for a possible field trip. We were unable to get scheduled for either of those dates so the new, confirmed date is
Friday, October 8. We will be going to the Wargo Nature Center in Lino Lakes and participating in the Heritage Lab. The Heritage Lab program is a full day, outdoor historical program that is
held for several weeks each fall. Students will rotate through eight different educational stations. At each station, students participate in hands-on activities related to the overall
historical theme. We will be doing the Milling, Mining, and Lumbering lab. We will need several drivers/chaperones for the day. The Lab starts at 10:00 and ends at 1:50 so it’s pretty much an
all day thing. Please let Mrs. Hein know if you can drive/chaperone.
We are learning the New Testament books of the Bible for next Friday. Pastor has a you tube video that might help as your children are learning these:
We are working on a date for taking school pictures. Please stay tuned for that announcement.