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Grace Weekly September 21-25, 2020

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Upcoming Events

School Cleaners September 25 – K. Baker October 3 – Craven Next week’s daily cleaners: Monday – Oman Tuesday – Rinne Wednesday – Ude Thursday – Vandeveer Friday – Wales Sunday, September 27 Sunday School 9 a.m. (No adult Bible Class yet) Church 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 30 School pictures October 12 Parent/Teacher conferences October 12-16 NO SCHOOL

Memory Work

Hymn: Due Mon., Sept. 28 TLH #519: Beloved, It is Well Gr. K-1: v. 1 Gr. 2: v. 1-2 Gr. 3: v. 1-2 Gr. 4-8: All Bible Passages: Due Wed., Sept. 30 Gr. K: John 3:16 Gr. 1: Luke 11:28 Gr. 2: Ps. 124:8; Matt. 6:24 Gr. 3: Is. 43:11; 1 John 4:19 Gr. 4: John 1:17; Rom. 3:20 Gr. 5: Ps. 119:32; Deut. 6:4 Catechism: Due Fri., Oct. 2 2nd Commandment

Friday Fun

The more there is, the less you see. What is it?

Friday Notes

  • School cleaners: In the past we have had you mop under the long set of tables at the back of the fellowship hall where the children sat for lunch. This year, the children are sitting at the tables throughout the middle of the fellowship hall so the floor needs to be mopped around those areas. There are nametags at the children’s places so you can see where the floor needs to be mopped.
  • There have been some questions about memory work. There is nothing new as this schedule has been followed for many years now. All students, grades K-8 recite hymn verses on Mondays. For Grades K-5, Bible passages are said on Wednesdays and chief parts of the Catechism are recited on Fridays. Memory work for K-4 is put into the assignment notebooks by the teachers so that it can be worked on at home. Grades 5-8 are responsible for bringing their assigned memory work home. Pastor’s Catechism class recites on Tuesday. Each family should find a time that their children can work on memorization. A great time to work on it is while driving to and from school.
  • Thanks to everyone who has donated disinfectant wipes over the last couple of weeks. We are all set for a while now. We don’t want to get too many more so that we can’t use them all before they dry up.
  • Pastor will take our school pictures Wednesday morning, September 30. Order forms were sent home today. If you pay by check, please make the check out to Grace Lutheran School.

Last Week’s Friday Fun

Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. What am I? Answer: corn