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Grace Weekly January 14-18, 2019


Upcoming Events

School Cleaners January 19 – Ude January 27 – Ude Sunday, January 20 Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Church 10:00 a.m. Sing in Church Monday, January 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL Friday, February 15 Valentine’s Day party Monday, February 18 President’s Day NO SCHOOL March 8-13 Spring Break NO SCHOOL

Memory Work

  Hymn: Due Tues., Jan. 22 TLH #123: Our God, Our Help in Ages Past Gr. K: none Gr. 1: v. 4 & 8 Gr. 2: v. 4 & 8 Gr. 3-8: none Bible Passages: Due Wed., Jan. 23 Gr. K: Matt. 18:11 Gr. 1: Gal. 3:26 Gr. 2: Ps. 51:5; Matt. 22:37 Gr. 3: Matt. 28:19; Eph. 6:1 Gr. 4: Ps. 50:15; 1 Thess. 5:17 Gr. 5: Luke 2:11; John 21:17 Catechism: Due Fri., Jan. 25 The Conclusion to the Commandments

Friday Fun

I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but can’t go outside. What am I?

Friday Notes

  • We are singing on Sunday. If your children are not here for Sunday School, please have them at church by 9:40 a.m.
  • Parent/teacher conferences are on Monday. Mrs. Hein will try to send a reminder text or email sometime on Sunday to remind parents what time their conferences are.
  • At conferences on Monday, Mrs. Hein will hand out a list of student names for writing out Valentine’s Day cards. Valentine boxes and cards may be brought to school the week of February 11.
  • Singing dates for the rest of the school year:
    • Sunday, January 20
    • Sunday, February 10
    • Sunday, March 17
    • Sunday, April 14 (Palm Sunday mini concert)
    • Friday, April 19 (Good Friday)
    • Sunday, April 21 (Easter)
    • Sunday, May 19 (Confirmation)
    • Sunday, May 26 (8th grade Graduation)

Last Week’s Friday Fun

What is put on a table and cut, but is never eaten Answer: a deck of cards