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Grace Weekly Sept. 5 – 9, 2016

Upcoming Events Memory Work
Hymn: (Due Mon., Sept. 12)
School Cleaners TLH 10: This is the Day the Lord Hath
September 10 – Baker Made
September 17 – Bluhm Gr. 1-2: v. 3
Gr. 4-8: v. 3-5
Sunday, September 11
Fall Schedule begins Bible Passages: (Due. Wed., Sept. 14)
Sunday School/Bible Class, 9:00 a.m.
1: 1 John 4:19
Church 10:00 a.m.
2. Rom. 3:20; John 3:16
Monday, September 12 4: 2 Tim 3:16; John 10:35
Open House, 7:00 p.m. 5: Matt. 22:37, 39; Rom. 3:20
Thursday, September 15 Catechism: (Due Fri., Sept. 16)
School Pictures OT Books of the Bible (highlighted portion)
Sunday, September 18
Sing in church
Church picnic ___________________________________
Kindergarten –
Tuesday, September 27 Hymn: (Due Mon., Sept. 12)
Field trip to Aamodt’s Apple Orchard TLH #10
Monday, October 10 Bible Passages: (Due Thurs., Sept. 15)
Parent/Teacher Conferences 1 John 4:19
Catechism: (Due Thurs., Sept. 15)
October 11- 14
NT Books: Matthew – Acts
CLC Teacher’s Conference (Valentine, NE)


Friday Fun

Hilarious Homophones
What cake do baseball players like best?



Friday Notes


Answer to last week’s Hilarious Homophone: What kind of fruit grows on power lines? Electric currents (currants) (Currant: a small seedless raisin, produced chiefly in California, and used in cookery and confectionery.)

There are still some families that have not paid their school supply fee of $50. If you can’t remember if this is you, please check with Mrs. Hein.

Monday, September 12, is our annual open house at 7:00 p.m. Please plan on joining us to find out some of the things that are going on in the classrooms this year!

Next Thursday, September 15, Pastor Hein will once again take our school pictures. He will email each child’s “proofs” after which you may select the pose you’d like. These are then purchased at Sam’s Club for very reasonable prices. An order form will be sent home next week.

We will be singing Hymn #10, “This is the Day the Lord Hath Made,” in church on Sunday, September 18. This is also the day of the church picnic. Everyone is welcome to stay for that, as well.

Our fall field trip will be to Aamodt’s Apple Orchard in Stillwater. We plan on leaving around 9:40. If you are able to be a chaperone, please let Mrs. Hein know. With more students, we will obviously need more drivers than in past years.