School CleanersFebruary 21 – SnyderFebruary 28 – Rob VandeveerSunday, February 23Bible Class/Sunday School 9:00 a.m.Church 10:00 a.m.Tuesday, March 4Student FairResearch paper dueMarch 14-16Annual CLC Grade SchoolBasketball Tournament (Eau Claire)March 14-21NO SCHOOLSpring BreakSunday, March 23Sing in church with Immanuel Tour
Choir10:00 a.m.Monday, March 24School resumesFriday,
April 4Student Fair 7:00 p.m.
Memory Work
Hymnology: Due Mon., Feb. 24WS #751: God’s Own Child I Gladly Say ItGr. 1-4: v. 2Gr. 1-2: v. 3-4Bible Passages: Due Wed., Feb. 26Gr. 1: Rom. 3:23Gr. 2: Rom. 3:23; Ps. 124:8Gr. 3-4: Rom. 3:23; Prov. 1:10Gr. 5: Rom. 7:18; Is. 53:6Catechism: Due Fri., Feb. 28Gr. 1-5: 6th PetitionPreK/K:Hymn: God’s Own Child I Gladly Say It, v.1Bible Passages: Luke 11 :28Catechism:
2nd Petition
Friday Fun
Friday Notes
Report cards were sent home today. Please take the report card out of the envelope, sign the envelope, and send it back to school on Monday.
Next Wednesday, February 26, we will be going to the Science Museum of Minnesota. Please send a sack lunch with your children that day with only disposable items. A bus has been rented for
our transportation. Please drop off and pick up your children at the regular times. A permission slip was sent home today. Please sign and return that by Monday.
Mrs. Hein’s classroom will be participating in the Xcel Energy Think Energy Program. Kits were sent home today (one/family) along with a letter explaining the program. Just for registering,
we received a $25 Amazon gift card. If 80% of the classroom (eight students) complete the follow-up worksheet, we will receive another $25 Amazon gift card. Please let Mrs. Hein know if you
have any questions.
Last week’s rebus puzzle answer: mixed reality
**Student Scoop**
It was an exciting week for the lower graders. The kindergarten andpreK class went to a play called Don’t Let the Pigeons Drive the Bus. Mrs.Nelson’s
class filled up their marble jar. They had a movie party andwatched The Mario Movie. Today is the end of grading period
◼ a 4th grader